List of peer reviewed publications
1)Rotondo G. (1991) Expression of hinterleukin-1ß and its receptor in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Thesis presented at the University of Siena in December 1991, Siena, Italy.
2) Rotondo G.,Gillespie M., Frendewey D. (1995) Rescue of the Fission Yeast snRNA syntesis mutant snm1 by Overexpression of the Double-Strand-Specific Pac1 Ribonuclease. Molecular & General Genetics 247: 698-708.
3) Rotondo G.,Frendewey D. (1996) Purification and characterization of the Pac1 ribonuclease of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Nucleic Acids Research 24: 2377-2386.
4) Rotondo G., Huang Yi-Ming, Frendewey D. (1997) Substrate structure requirements of the Pac1 ribonuclease from Schizosaccharomyces pombe. RNA 3: 1182-1193.
5) Chanfreau G., Rotondo G.,Legrain P. and Jacquier A. (1998) Processing of a dicistronic small nucleolar RNA precursor by the RNA endonuclease Rnt1. EMBO Journal 17 (13):3726-3737
6) Rotondo G*.,Flajolet*, M., Bergametti F., Inshauspe` G., Tiollais P., Transy C. and Legrain P. (1999) A genomic approch of the hepatitis C virus generates a protein interaction map. GENE 242(2000) 369-379
7) Rotondo G.,Frendewey D. (2001) The Pac1 ribonuclease of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In RIBONUCLEASES, a volume of METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY edited by Allen Nicholson. ACADEMIC PRESS,San Diego,CA. Methods Enzymol 342:168-93
8) Pok Kwan Yang, Giuseppe Rotondo, Tanya Porras, Pierre Legrain and Guillaume Chanfreau. (2002) The Shq/Naf complex is required for box H/ACA snoRNPs biogenesis.J Biol Chem. 277(47):45235-42
9) Rotondo G*.,Savio M*., Pardi R. (2008)A novel alternatively spliced constitutive photo-morphogenesis-1 (Cop1) product stabilizes UV stress induced c-jun trough inhibition of full length Cop1. Oncogene, 27, 2401–2411.
10) Palmisano I, Bagnato P, Palmigiano A, Innamorati G, Rotondo G, Altimare D, Venturi C, Sviderskaya EV, Piccirillo R, Coppola M, Marigo V, Incerti B, Ballabio A, Surace EM, Tacchetti C, Bennett DC, Schiaffino MV. (2008) The ocular albinism type 1 protein, an intracellular G protein-coupled receptor, regulates melanosome transport in pigment cells. Hum Mol Genet. 17(22):3487-501
11) Rotondo G. (2009) A GSK3β-COP9-DCX DET1-COP1 protein degradation module promotes cell survival and cell cycle reentry during the UV- induced DNA damage response. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11686.06729
12) Sarah Sertic, Claudio Evolvi, Emanuela Tumini, Paolo Plevani, Marco Muzi-Falconi, Giuseppe Rotondo (2013) Non-Canonical CRL4A/4B(CDT2) Interacts with RAD18 to Modulate Post Replication Repair and Cell Survival. PLoS one 8(3):e60000.
13) Rebecca E Zordan, Yuxia Ren, Shih-Jung Pan, Giuseppe Rotondo, Alejandro De Las Peñas, Joseph Iluore, Brendan P Cormack(2013) Expression Plasmids for Use in Candida glabrata.G3 (Bethesda), 3(10):1675-86
14) Davide Panigada, Paolo Grianti,Alessandro Nespoli, Giuseppe Rotondo,Daniela Gallo Castro, Roberto Quadri, Simonetta Piatti,Paolo Plevanie Marco Muzi-Falconi (2013) Yeast Haspin Kinase Regulates Polarity Cues Necessary for Mitotic Spindle Positioning and Is Required to Tolerate Mitotic Arrest. Dev Cell, 26(5):483-95
Conference abstracts
1)Rotondo G., Frendewey D. (1995) The Pac1 double-strand-specific RNase from S. pombe. Book of abstracts of papers presented at the 1995 meeting on RNA processing. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ColdSpring Harbor.
2)Rotondo G., Frendewey D. (1996) The enzymatic properties and substrate specificity of the Pac1 ribonuclease from fission yeast.Book of abstracts of papers presented at “RNA ’96” The First Annual Meeting of The RNA Society. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
3)Chanfreau G., Rotondo G., Legrain, P., Jacquier A. (1998) Processing of several mono- and polycistronic yeast snoRNAs by the Rnt1 endonuclease suggests a double control of rRNA processing by Rnt1. Book of abstracts of papers presented at “RNA 98”.University of Wisconsin-Madison.
4)Danin-Kreiselman M., Rotondo G., Legrain P., Chanfreau G. (2000) A role for yeast Rnase III in the control of stress related gene expression. Book of abstrcts of papers presented at `RNA 2000`. The fifth Annual Meeting of the RNA society.Madison,Wisconsin.
5)Pok Yang, Giuseppe Rotondo, Pierre Legrain, and Guillaume Chanfreau (2002) The Shq complex is required for box H/ACA snoRNAs accumulation. Book of abstrcts of papers presented at `RNA 2002`. Seventh Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
6)Panattoni M., Rotondo G., Pardi R. (11-15 Gennaio 2005) Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes.Luminy Advanced Course in Immunology and EMBO Workshop Centro d’Immunologia Luminy, Marsiglia, Francia.
7)Panattoni M., Talarico D., Rotondo G., Ronfani L., Pardi R. (30 Aprile- 3 Maggio 2005) Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes.Graduate Students’ Retreat, Thun, Svizzera.
8)Panattoni M., Rotondo G.,Talarico D., Ronfani L., Pardi R. (22-25 Settembre 2005) Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes. Atti 7° Convegno FISV. Riva del Garda.
9)Savio M., Rotondo G., Rossetti G., Pardi R. (22-25 Settembre 2005) “Functional characterization of hCop1, a ring finger E3 ligase involved in c-jun degradation”. Atti 7° Convegno FISV. Riva del Garda.
10)Rotondo G., Savio M., Rossetti G., Pardi R. (22-25 Settembre 2005). The mammalian COP9 signalosome: regulatory mechanisms and effector functionsAtti 7° Convegno FISV. Riva del Garda.
11)Panattoni M., Rotondo G., Ronfani L., Pardi R. (8-11 Febbraio 2006), “Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes”.EMBO Workshop on Innate Danger Signals and HMGB1. DiBiT- Istituto Scientifico San Raffaele, Milano.
12)Panattoni M., Rotondo G.,Ronfani L., Pardi R. (13 – 16 Maggio 2006), “Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes”Graduate Students’ Retreat “Deciphering the Cell Migration Code”. Thun, Svizzera.
13)Panattoni M., Rotondo G., Ronfani L., Pardi R. (18 – 21 Giugno 2006), “Role of Jab1 and the COP9 signalosome in the development and function of T lymphocytes”.The Fourth International Symposium on the COP9 signalosome, Proteasome and eIF3 Complexes (ZOMES IV). Yale University Campus, Connecticut, USA.
14)Rotondo G., Savio M., Divona C., Pardi R. (12-15 September 2006), The E3 ubiquitin ligase Cop1 contributes to the choice between cell cycle progression and apoptosis during the mammalian cell response to UV-induced DNA damage. 9th Biennal Meeting of The German Society for Research on DNA repair. University Medical Center of Hamburg-eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
15) Savio M., Divona C., Pardi R. Rotondo G. (28 Settembre-1 ottobre 2006), A Role of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Cop1 in the mammalian cell response to UV irradiation. Atti 8° Convegno Annuale Federazione Italiana Scienza della Vita. Riva del Garda (TN), Italia.
16)Rotondo G., Maglie S., Savio M., Pardi R (11-13 Febbraio 2007) A GSK3-Cop9-Cop1 axis promotes cell survival and subsequent proliferation during the mammalian cell response to DNA damage. Convegno scientifico annuale dell’Ospedale San Raffaele. Bardolino (VR), Italia.
17)Rotondo G., Maglie S., Savio M.,Pardi R. (26-29 Settembre (2007), A GSK3ß-Cop9-Cop1 protein degradation module promotes cell survival and proliferation during the cell response to UV stressAtti 9° convegno Annuale Federazione Italiana Scienza della Vita. Riva del Garda (TN), Italia
18)Davide Panigada, Paolo Grianti, Giuseppe Rotondo, Matteo Ferrari, Achille Pellicioli, Simonetta Patti, Paolo Plevani, Marco Muzi-Falconi (22-26 Settembre, (2011) Haspin Kinase regulates orientation of the mitotic spindle in budding yeast and human cells 15th European Cell Cycle Conferenze & EMBO Workshop “Exploring the Logic of the Cell Cycle”
19)D. Panigada, G. Rotondo, R. Quadri, D. Gallo Castro, S. Patti, P.Plevani e M. Muzi Falconi (22-26 Giugno 2013) ScHaspin kinase regulates polarity cues necessary for mitotic spindle positioning during metaphase arrest EMBO workshop on Chromosome segregation and aneuploidy, breukelen, The Netherland
Patents (brevetti)
Legrain P., Rotondo G., Flajolet M.,Transy C., Inchauspe G. (2002).Exaustive analysis of viral protein interactions by two hybrid screens and selection of correctly folded viral interacting polypeptides. USA patent application Pubblication. No.: 2002/0102534 A1